
This text briefly introduces the content in the page.
General Data Protection Regulation

Is Your WordPress Website GDPR Compliant?

[lead]Many of our clients are asking for information about GDPR and how it will affect their websites. In this article, we’ll explain what we know about the changes to the law and the potential changes required to websites built using WordPress.[/lead] [well size=”sm”]Disclaimer: the information in this article is based on our research, experience and understanding of the

Google Partner

Official Google Partner

[lead]We Manage Web (and it’s parent company ‘Northern Web Lab Limited’) are proud to announce that we are now an Official Google Partner.[/lead] This scheme is designed to provide clients with the piece-of-mind that their chosen agency has all the relevant experience and knowledge to Set Up, Manage and Maintain Google AdWords accounts and other

Boosted Hosting

PHP 7.1 Update Coming For All Hosted Websites

We are about to give all our websites a boost with PHP 7.1 PHP 7.1 is now available for all of our hosted clients This update will certainly improve your website, and is likely to make your site about twice as fast! And the really great thing is that this update will come as standard

End Of Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10 Support

On January the 12th 2016, Microsoft ended support for all versions of Internet Explorer from 10 and below. This means that there will be no more security updates from Microsoft for these versions of the browser. Even if there are any known security problems, they will not be fixed by Microsoft so by using the

How To Write SEO

WordPress How To Create Your First Post

[lead]This article aims to help beginners get to grips with creating their first blog post in the WordPress admin area. We will show you everything that is needed to write your post and add images or links to the content.[/lead] Before we start with this tutorial, if you are completely unfamiliar with the WordPress admin area, visit


WordPress Admin Area Basics

[lead]Ok so you’ve had a shiny new WordPress website built by the Geeks at We Manage Web and now you need to know how to use it. Well, you’ve come to the right place.[/lead] This blog article will briefly show you the basics of the WordPress admin area and hopefully, give you everything you need

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